This is the last intake of our current Erasmus Mundus BeinPM
There will be no call for applications for 2025-2026. A renewal of the programme is being considered.
Please, keep checking our site for any future updates.
Threats related to malnutrition, pollution, globalization, the uncontrolled spread of diseases, will impact the social fabric of the world with implications for health. Facing these threats, maintaining high health standards, require flawless prevention, better diagnosis and targeted therapy treatment, all with a controlled budget. The latter three pillars required for performant healthcare imply global scientific approaches by mastering key scientific disciplines: bioengineering, medical biotechnology and clinical research, and offering prevention and disease treatment that take into account the patient specificity.
Patient specificity, you said? Let’s say PRECISION MEDICINE! Precision Medicine (PM), which refers to treatment strategies that takes into account the patient specificity and variability in terms of people’s genes, their environment and lifestyles, by providing the right patient with the right treatment. The purpose of the BeInPM programme is to address the issue of precision medicine in the context of fast changes in healthcare systems and the merging of novel approaches. It provides a broad multidisciplinary training in the emerging field of Precision Medicine (PM).
The programme offers you the opportunity to gain the skills will make you an expert in this new field, with a broad technical management mindset regarding the implementation and management of Precision Medicine.
BeInPM offers a solid grounding in the biotechnology, bioengineering and clinical research that support the global Precision Medicine.
The vision of BeInPM is to provide international students with the education, tools and training for the competent and responsible health professionals. Our programmes are designed to understand and master solid scientific foundations to take part in the growing area of Precision Medicine.
We challenge ourselves to provide high standards in education and training, where the students’ interests constitute the cornerstone of our values.
During the first semester, students take Advanced Courses, depending on their previous degree, in one of the following three tracks: Medical Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Clinical Research. The second semester is dedicated to the Master thesis carried out within the consortium institutions or its associated partners that provide top high-quality environment for biotechnology, biomedical engineering and data management, as well as opportunities for students to participate in research projects supervised by world-class scientists.
In total, each student has to earn 60 ECTS (30 ECTS for each semester). Students can choose modules from the Masters offered by the three partners. Students will be requested to choose a number of compulsory elective modules worth three or six ECTS credits each. It is also possible to earn ECTS credits by attending suitable modules offered in other Masters’ programmes. The Master's course is taught exclusively in English. Students are therefore required to be fluent in this language.
15 November 2023 : Opening of applications
7 February 2024: Closing of application period (at midday- Paris time)
End of March: Notification of admission
August 20-31: First Summer school
September 1 to January 15: Semester 1 (courses)
January 15 to July 31 (of year N + 1): Internship (Master thesis)
End of August (year N + 1): Second Summer school, graduation ceremony.
The full tracks and the detailed programme are to be found under 'About the programme' and then click on 'Download our educational programme'.
The student mobility is mandatory within BeInPM Master. Students follow the two semesters at two different Partner Universities. Students start and finish the BeInPM programme with two intensive Summer Schools organized at the European Scientific Institute, at Archamps (France).
Attention: In accordance with EMJMD rules, residents in France, Spain or Italy CANNOT study in their country of residence, but must follow a semester in each of the other two countries.